29th September 2021
When your soul is on the right path, all comes into view easily. There may be bumps along the way but when you are heading in the right direction, it feels good. Many times you may stray from your path and those who guide you attempt to place before you something which pushes you to make decisions which will enable your free choice to follow or reject.
It is in this way that you will find people either go towards their purpose, or they make poor decisions and find themselves most unhappy and feeling dissatisfied. When the journey is progressing well, the effort is one of deep satisfaction and contentment. Those who find life problematic, and those who do not feel joy and love, will inevitably decline and sink into a state of life which is far from that which they need to feel.

26th September 2021
There are very many changes in your atmosphere arriving soon. The air itself will feel different and the light too. Some will not detect the changes but others will see and feel them quickly.
Some will be changed by the effect of the air quality and will start to breath more easily. Their difficulties with breathing and all affected diseases like allergies will start to improve. Many will feel more invigorated and will have more vitality. It will be as if they have shed a heavy load and are feeling lighter and more easy. They will start to move with more bounce as if they have become weightless. Many will experience their bodies as not the same one they used to have. They will not know why but they will begin to feel relaxed, as if most of their cares have been taken from them.
Those who can see and feel these changes will become different through knowing whence they arose. That is to say, these people already know that something is happening and they know that it is long expected and they know what they are experiencing is part of it. Those people will gain the most benefit from it. They will know intuitively more through the changes in the atmosphere. It will be as if they have been blinkered and can suddenly see clearly.
They will walk amongst other life forms that they did not see before. The Earth will appear as one who lives and breathes life into everything. The plants, the animals and all living things will become vibrant and all will be clearly seen. If this vision becomes your usual way of seeing the world, it will appear as natural and normal as breathing.

25th September 2021
There was always interference in the world of men and in their environment. There was always a more limited world created than the one intended for you, more innocent souls. Those who came here saw a Paradise and a place to conquer. They worked their magic and held the Earth captive until recently.
They have made so many changes to the Earth and her life forms that all is in jeopardy from their changes. To those who think that some changes can be made quickly to improve matters, we say yes, they can. When are you going to do it?
We have told you many times that your specialty within the human is to be able to create. This what you do. Those with evil intent did not wish all to know exactly what that meant because they did not trust their systems to be able to control everyone who wished to wield their power with wisdom and love. In fact, they positively discouraged humans from delving into these things by limiting your access to truthful teachers and writings. They also mocked or exiled or killed any who came close to realising their powers.
The control mechanisms were varied but the goal and the outcome was a limitation on human awareness and a beat-and-punish agenda for stepping outside of the controls. Some more White Bear kind of Beings made sure that there were always people whose presence upon the Earth was hidden and left alone to develop their human qualities.
There were very many who heard the voice of White Bear and others, who stepped forward to do this task. There are very many who read the writings of White Bear and the transcripts of his words. Some fell on stony ground but many people were changed by the vibration contained in the words and sounds. White Bear would like to thank all those who listened and took heed of the warnings and truths and complementary emotions of love and compassion which were given.
Some people will have been greatly affected by the messages and others will mostly be waiting patiently for this time to finally arrive.

24 September 2021
The Earth is being changed, you must understand. Those energies of transformation which affect all life forms are also affecting the planet. She will change and the life forms will often find themselves out of synch with her timescale. There is a clear path to Ascension if you can stay with the Earth during her changes and fit yourself into her frequency waves.
Your energy is directly linked to the Earth’s energy grid and it has not operated fully for many of your lifetimes. So much of the human energy has been taken that your frequency is degraded and needs to be restored. There are energies which erode your energy, and there are many others which enhance it. Your actions will determine which of the energies are compatible with the Earth’s.
None are unaffected unless they choose to forego the opportunity with their loss of body. The spirit, of course, lives on and thrives while in the etheric forms. There is no compulsion to incarnate, no emphasis on having a hard life to live and learn in. The choice to incarnate will be taken entirely because it is a desire, a wish to return to the Earth. Those who choose it are to be envied for they can live in the newly energised environment and will be a part of creating the Paradise it was always meant to become.
So many choices to make but all of them rely upon knowing who you are, the knowledge of what it is to be a human and last of all but the most important, what it means to love.

21st September 2021
The war is indeed won. The soldiers are weary and worn. There have been many casualties and so many more to come. Sometimes the heart is everywhere overwhelmed by fear and sorrow. It is inevitable that collectively you will show these feelings but alongside that you are seeing the injection of anger.
These emotions are still the same old ways of keeping you captive. They bind you and suppress your ability to manifest the world you wish to have. There is a clear desire to prevent you from creating the vision you have. This is done by distracting you with the impression of righteous anger and protests which infect others with this feeling of taking back your power through voice and protests.
So many people are now seeing others take to the streets that they are asking themselves why that is. Those who know are in the forefront of calming fears and telling people gently what is going on so they are not too alarmed. Speak more words of understanding to those who have been awakened so abruptly. They need your care and compassion and your humanity to help them through difficult emotions. So many lives, so much more.
White Bear speaks now of those who may have been a part of this evil.
There is nothing to be done for people who knew and made their knowledge hidden. They cannot be brought back from evil choices. There can never be a way to help them love either themselves or others, they are too far gone. Those people who are sorry for what they did must show that they have acknowledged what they did and why their conscience allowed that to become their master. You are aware of the famous people and those government agencies which promoted lies and evil but there have been many more who willingly played their part without anyone ever knowing.
Some behaviours can be dismissed as harmless but many led directly to harming people and therefore their sorrow must not be for themselves but for those they harmed. When they have realised the effect their lies had upon the majority, they will adjust their assessment of why they did what they did. And it will be at that point when truth and honesty will bring about what men and women have been beguiled by and it will become known.
So many people have been tricked into seeing the world entirely different from what it really is, there must be a clarity and an understanding about why and how they were deceived and seduced. They will be shocked when they discover that their lies were also affecting them and just as they hid truths from others, the truth was hidden from them. There is no one who has seen clearly for a very long time.
When there is truth there is sadness which is born of regret and truth will lead to the beginning of forgiveness or there can never be peace. The effect of punishment must be related to the incarceration of beings who can never be permitted to harm people. They must be deprived of the ability to do it and that will call for the limiting of their free will in whatever way is seen as fitting. For some, their evil deeds affected their world so much that they might need to forfeit their soul in freedom.

17th September 2021
Those who may bring comfort to others are needed more than ever. Because your heart is big, it is respectful of people’s wishes so that you make no judgement on their life choices. Those who may find it difficult to understand why some people have behaved in certain ways are most welcome to consider their own lives.
The most important learning can come from making unwise choices. If we are left to make the consequences mean something, there must be the semblance of free will. Choices which are your own are the ones which bring the most learning but others can also be invaluable in making you aware of how easily, or not, you are capable of being manipulated and of having your free will compromised.
Since it is necessary to grow in wisdom, there will always be learning from the situations but if you think that it is not entirely your choice but one forced upon you, you would feel entirely different and would learn differing lessons from such matters. Then consider the people around you. Are they capable of exercising their free will, or are they being controlled through means which they are sometimes aware of and other times completely unaware of?
Those who act must be assured that they are doing their own actions willingly and with intention. That way will lead to the greatest learning and they will develop further as souls moving through lifetimes and timelines. When the will power is strong, it enhances the soul for it means that every action and thought is part of the growing process and there will inevitable be development in the soul and it will hopefully, with the best intentions, be the light that leads them onward.
Sometimes there are dark forces who seek to steal your willpower and use it for their own ends. These people institute laws and they make people behave in ways that they permit. This is not how you are intended to become more aware. It can only ever lead to the more restrictive environment which most find themselves living in.
When the soul is free to choose, the goal must be to choose wisely for both the soul and the more easily led people. If you are aware of your own tendency to be misled, you will have more understanding and greater sympathy for others. There can then be nothing to blame them for. There is only the question of how best to help them in their consequences, that will be sure to arise.
Your task is only to learn, yourself, from what you experience and even when observing others and their choices, there are lessons to be acquired. Your task is to progress your soul and every opportunity must be viewed from that standpoint. If there is life, there are choices. Choose love and become wiser.

16th September 2021
There is much to be thankful for even when your life is taking on difficulties. Some days the sun shines, other days the rain falls and snow, or hail, or wind blows. All are expressions of the energy of creation. Sage people of the world in all civilisations at all times knew that the Earth speaks in such ways and humans would do well to listen closely to what she is saying. Being involved in the water makes it easier to become aware because so much of your body is water.
The effect on the water must be reflected in your own body. It is easy to see the signs and signals when you are aware of how your body feels during the weather events. Great heat leads to loss of water and the body cries out for watering. The cells become sluggish and they stop performing well.
Similarly, if you are immersed in rainfall and wetness is engulfing you, your body will try to create an environment in which the water cannot enter and destroy the cells. Some high winds will also dry the cells and snow and coldness will make the cells keep their water contained and insulating for the limbs. When you are keenly aware of the effect of weather on your body, you can then turn your attention its effect on other life forms around you. You will see remarkable similarities in the way they, too, approach water issues.
Some might add that when the body is in equilibrium and the spirit within enjoys the sensation of being a bodied spirit, the main effect is one of satisfaction and even contentment. The body lacks nothing and is in need of nothing more. In this way you can experience a satisfactory attachment to yourself and can appreciate what contentment feels like. In this way you can be thankful for your life and for the environment you live in.
Want of water can bring misery and when the body has access to water which is fit to drink, all is well. There is abundance of water on the Earth and there is never going to be a shortage. No one should have to go without water, not even for a short while. It is plentiful enough for all and must be enjoyed by all. Those who choose to possess the means of depriving people of freely available water must not be permitted to do it.
There will be a very different way of doing things when people start to wake up to their reality and go back to the awareness of these fundamental truths:
Your body is aligned with the Earth.
The Earth provides for you.
There can never be an exploitation of you by the Earth.
There is plenty for all.
Know this and you will know that you are blessed and that the world is one of bounteous beauty. Those who can see and feel it, know that there is much to be thankful for.

15th September 2021
There was a time when the people were happier than they are now. The pace of life is often felt in the desire for rest and relaxation. Many people are not getting enough rest and their bodies are always tired. Your energy flow is related to this tiredness which so often makes people irritable and quick to anger when their resources are low.
It is not always necessary to reflect on the reasons for the constant drains upon your energy but it is always necessary to love what you are doing from moment to moment to increase your frequency and enjoy your life more. Saying you are not capable of expending your energy in ways which you enjoy must be considered as an admission that you are enslaved to a life of drudgery and misery.
Love of your life is important. If you are so lost in your daily activities that drain your energy and make you tired with no respite, how can you expect it to be capable of combatting the energy which might bring you pain? How will you survive the energy attacks which seek to make you fearful and sad? All of these emotions stem from your inability to be strong enough to withstand them and their destructive forces. You must therefore become strong in your energy so that you will not be affected by these energetic attacks.
Those who are already strong in their energy will survive those energetic attacks and their energy levels will be maintained, and even increased by their daily activities. Sometimes the most basic of things which keep the body functioning well are what is called for. It is not necessary to do anything drastic. The beginning has to bring joy and then there must be the beginning of awareness of what is happening. For some there will be shifts in perception, subtle at first, and growing until the effects are unmistakeable.
What you must remember is that you are going to succeed in liberating your life from a sense of enslavement. Today and every day is another step forward in freedom.

14th September 2021
There is a tendency to dwell upon those things which we wish stop or to change without giving sufficient thought to the things we wish to see. There may be the thought of your own to investigate wrongdoing and this might bring you some satisfaction. But what if the world is transformed and the most evil of quests is stopped? What would bring you all the pleasure and satisfaction that was present in your life when there was wrongdoing to investigate? How do you continue with your pleasurable work?
Those things may never become a present dangerous territory ever again but there is a very long history to explore, a whole era which is unknown and a lot of things that must be explored so that the truth is known. This work is necessary and will form the basis of the world as we all move onward in our journey to the Source.
There is no end to the following truth:
You are eternal beings and you have been a prisoner for many lifetimes, held captive by an evil force which has held sway. You have not been able to escape even during your most important lifetimes.
What matters is the being you were and are now. You have been set free. You have been given your liberty and there remains only the stolen lives to belong to. This means that any lifetimes you remember must be taken in their context of being held captive to the forces of darkness who abused you and stopped you being yourself.
Those lifetimes were important for, despite being held as a prisoner, you were able to generate learning and your experiences, both good and bad, were themselves of value. Those experiences, both good and bad, made your journey to wisdom all the more loving. All those thoughts and actions were enabling you to achieve the goal of ascending to a higher plane or dimension.
This is only made possible by those words of love and wisdom coming through the world’s thoughts. Those words are like a mystical world of all possibility which you create in those words and thoughts. Some years of study can help make you ready, or you might do it through other means. Some actions are so beneficial and life-changing that the effect on us is instantaneous.
It will vary between lifetimes and there can be an infinite variety of models. The aim was always to do it but there was always an impediment of evil, in the intention of the evil that you should never achieve ascension. And they formed the world so that it was made impossible without large numbers to assist your collective consciousness. They worked hard to ensure that it was difficult to do it while having to live in their world. It was always a possibility but it was rarely achieved.
This was always a result of your captivity so now that you have been freed, you are being woken up by whatever means can be sought. Some vestiges of people who are influenced still by the darkness will continue to deceive and antagonise and hope that they can assist a violent and deadly response, for that is their will and nature.
Some will succeed in deterring others from awakening but it will not last, the energies of ascension are too strong now. Nothing can stop what is coming.

12th September 2021
There can never be a return to the way things were. Too much has happened to change the world so that even if people wished it, it would not be the same ever again. You must understand that everyone and everything upon the Earth will be transformed by knowing and experiencing good versus evil.
The many people who have been damaged in so many different ways are not going to go back to the way they were. Similarly, those who have eyes to see and, yes, ears to hear, who have seen too much and listened in awe in the exercise of this great evil, will never wish to be returned to a time when they did not know. These things are now a new world.
It is inevitable that there will be many who will be amused by these changes because they have waited so long for them to happen. So many wishes for humans to see clearly, so many lifetimes spent in distractions and suffering. There is a need now for truth and reconciliation with those who did not see or hear what was all around them.
So many have been affected by this collective psychosis and memory interference that they will need careful handling. Sympathy for their plight is what you must acknowledge. So many will never understand what evil has done to them so that they will be dazed and confused for a while. You may not criticise them or say they were less than perfect to live in such a world which they thought was the only one. You must not think that they had full control of themselves. How would you react towards a prisoner who is captive? Who can say to what extent evil achieved the apparent impossible?
So, sadly, people think that things will never improve for some, while others live in hope and expectation that there will be a glorious time which is very close. Those who choose it will leave the Earth plane, never to return. Some may decide to come back to complete their cycles but so many more will choose to stay and to enjoy life as it was meant to be lived, without any of the hindrances or impediments to prevent them from being human at long last.
No one has realised their human-ness for their whole life, so there will be a loving response which was always withheld or disguised.
So set your intentions.

11th September 2021
You are moving into an area of consciousness that the human has never experienced before. It is not known what the full effect of it will be and you are not the only life form which will be affected. It is uncertain how the world will cope with these energies which will transform your consciousness and it may become apparent that some will embrace the changes which will, in all likelihood, enhance their personal understanding of what it is to be fully aware of the human being.
It is curious, is it not, that you have always referred to being human without knowing what that entailed? When you begin to understand what these changes can bring about, you will start to bring forth the way the Earth also wishes to become more aligned with your human consciousness.
It is not difficult to see and feel that the Earth is a living and conscious entity. You have known some of that but mostly you have dismissed it as a mere passive habitat that you could shape and alter as you wished. It is only recently that the way the planet nurtures all life has come to many more people’s awareness.
Some will say that the Earth is our Mother, begotten of the Source of All That Is. When the idea takes form and many more people grow in awareness both of themselves and the Earth, it will become known that all life forms are also going through a shift in consciousness, which will extend across the Universe. The Earth is a very special place and one which has long been considered the finest place of the purest energy of love and joyful life-giving properties in the Universal understanding.
For many aeons there was much interference to lock you down and inhibit your ability to shine forth. That time is now ending and all that remains is to transition to the new material planet. Some called it a new dawn but they had no understanding of what that meant. They are about to find out.

10th September 2021
There is no catastrophic event which will be coming. So many voices raised in anger and fear cannot now hold sway over so many others who simply want to live in peace, prosperity and happiness. Do you think that anything which will harm you in this way will be permitted? No, it will not.
Saying it will happen also opens the door to it happening. That which you don’t want to happen also brings it about. This is known, of course, which is why it is allowed to happen by those who seek to manipulate your emotions and have you bring about that which you most dislike.
When there was a clear understanding that the war which has taken you as slaves was no more, the dark ones determined to sow seeds of terror and destruction because that is what they do! Their powers have failed to conjure up assistance from the demon forces and all they have left now is trying to entrain human energy to bring about death and chaos. They will never be allowed to do it ever again.
Those who live in the light know what must now happen on the Earth. It is to be a Paradise once more and it will happen. Saying a confirmation and expecting only good outcomes is now your focus. Make your love of life your guiding hand. Seek only to bathe in the energy of love.

8th September 2021
These questions of your history are well made. What men ask often is, where are the people? If you read only the material available to you, you will see that there are unanswered questions. Why are there so few people from time to time? Why are there ancient buildings which defy your technology and don’t seem to fit those who built them?
You have found recently that there is indeed a conspiracy possible in the global community. It has ever been thus. If you do not know your history or your ancestors, there will always be a question mark over who you are. This is important.
Many times has your history been hidden from view. Many times have those who controlled your world brought death and wars so that all history was lost. They then could seed a false narrative which most would agree on.
In this way you have no true anchor, no way of knowing yourself or what you might do if you had such knowledge. So many are waking up now to the truth that has been hidden for so long. If you don’t know who you are and where you came from, you will have poor voices to speak your truth or know in which direction you are heading.
Sometimes the innate abilities need only to begin awakening from their slumber for you to know that there is so much more to the human than you have fathomed. Seek to find out the truth and the more important abilities will begin to emerge.
Some would say a new age has been forming and there is much to behold and much more to come.

7th September 2021
White Bear sees all and there are indeed energetic frequencies which are affecting the Earth and all of life here and elsewhere in the Universe. Sometimes these things are felt more than seen and they can have a marked effect on all living things. Some energies are so high that they throw life into operating on a much greater level. There may be marked growth, for instance, or there might be abundance of fruitfulness, or being overly generous in giving birth to prosperity or creativity.
These energies are intended to be positive but if there is resistance, or if the person feeling them is less than stable emotionally, there could be some painful experiences or ones which are not entirely comfortable to experience. There is no going backward. There is only seeking to align yourself to the new waves of optimistic outcomes which are now coming into reality.
Sometimes it is necessary to remind people that they can face these changes with hope and optimism and love of all life, but also that if they harbour difficult emotions which keep them in fear and anxiety or hatred, they will affect not only themselves but those close to them. Negative thoughts centring on what hurt has been endured, or what injury caused, will foster only negative thought patterns, as will those dreams of vengeance, rotating with justice served.
In the end the outcome will be exactly as you wished it to be. Neither good nor bad is so determined that they cannot intermingle for a while. It is not so bad to realise that if you are experiencing a poor set of circumstances, that you and you alone can change at a moment’s notice to something more beneficial and enjoyable. It is entirely within your grasp. The energies will assist you in accomplishing what you wish for.
Use this newfound wisdom with care for you are to bring understanding and compassion into the world, a world in which you and all others will know intuitively what is the right thing to do!

5th September 2021
Those things which people spend their time doing will change over the days of their lives until they find the reason for their life’s work. This is not as difficult as it might seem. Each soul incarnates in order to live fully, learning the mysteries of life on Earth and enjoying their days, rejoicing in the effectiveness of their relationships with others.
Many people never understand that they are always in the midst of people just like themselves. Their companions are especially chosen to aid the Earth journey and help them learn how to be a good human. Those who are happiest are those who have chosen wisely those who are helping them to understand many things about themselves.
When the human wishes to grow in awareness it will sometimes happen in ways which could not have been wished for. The learning can oftentimes be difficult and painful as well as pleasurable. The main thing is to grow into an awareness of who you are. This has been difficult for those of you who live through this lifetime.
There has been much manipulation and there has been much intention to make your life difficult so that you would have only painful experiences accompany you through life. Sometimes these experiences lead to a shutting down of all your curiosity and abilities, so that you never explore what it is to be you, sufficiently.
Some would say that they wish only for a quiet life, so that you can find happiness and fulfilment where you may. This is because you have grown tired of the battles to survive and you have been schooled in the ways of the world to protect yourself and keep yourself safe. When the feelings are dulled in this way it is always difficult to break through.
What you will experience shortly is an overwhelming urge to throw off your impediments and rejoice for the lifting of the veil that has accompanied you.
Say the words after the small sacrifices that will be asked of you:
Thank you for letting me experience these things.
Thank you for the opportunities given.
Thank you for taking me closer to knowing who I am, for each circumstance of my life, from my friends and family to the circumstances that I find myself in.
All these things help to make your life a valuable addition to your soul.

3rd September 2021
There are many planes of being and all are related to the Godhead, the Source, the All That Is. It is a definite state of relatedness which infuses your cells and makes you aware of all of the energies available to you.
There is no mystery save that which has been deliberately hidden from you and which subjected you to deception about your true nature, but also the living spirit within all life on this planet which nurtures so many life forms. Some would say that the effect of such ignorance has been the true meaning of the downfall.
It was not always so but it has been like that for so long that the memory of it is held sacred by only a very few who knew the truth and kept it safe for such a time as this is. Your own path through life has been hampered by this ignorance. When so much is kept from you it is impossible for you to regain all of your human skills and attributes but that will not pertain for much longer.
White Bear and all of those who wish the Earth and all of her life forms to grow and be who they were meant to be are at hand to assist in any way most acceptable to you. There is no force or coercion like others have done before. So much is yet to be revealed but it will all become known in time. So many lies, so much deceit.
There will be a new beginning for you now and it will become clearer and clearer as you move on. Take your time to rest and eat well. There will be much to test you in the weeks and months to come and you must keep in mind only progress made and the victories to come. It is never easy making the transition from dark to light but you will find it gets easier the more focused you are on loving each other, loving the planet and all that the Earth has given you.
Some will call what will happen the start of a golden age of happiness and all will enjoy life at long last. It is coming and it cannot be stopped. Your energy will dictate how smooth or how rough a ride it will be so keep it strong and keep your vibration high.

2 September 2021
When the most part of humans realise one tenth of who they are, the Earth will be a very different place.
Some people understand who they are, what it is to be human, and to have been created by Source. There is much misunderstanding of Source but the thing that sets it on our side, that is, White Bear and all other life forms, is that Source is incapable of creating something which is less than perfect. It is not possible for Source to create a human who is not the perfect human. There needs only be an understanding of what it is to be human.
There has indeed been much interference here to stop humans from finding out the whole of their humanity. It was a closely guarded secret by those who sought to capture you and make you their slaves and playthings. It was always a case of enticing you through bad deeds against each other, or simply tying your mind up in the struggle for survival. This led through time to where we are now.
The human is beginning to awaken these hidden abilities and they are discovering that they have been freed. Those who choose to wake up will wake up. Those who are entrenched in their captivity will not survive the current shift without making the choice to remain in that world. Those who choose to be human in all the abilities and talents that Source created in them, will move on to the harmony in the world which was always intended for them.
The world is changing and all will help the humans to move forward if they ask for help. They must ask us to intervene to stop those who would prevent the humans from being themselves through their actions to kill or make them enslaved.
Those who would block the human to be whole will not be allowed to continue. Some would say that time has come.