The White Bear Chronicles August 2021

31st August 2021

White Bear’s words resonate with those whose vibration meets the state of grace within. The effect of good thoughts is very real and tangible. They promote health and they inspire others to also resonate with the frequency of love which you generate.

This energy of love is often misunderstood. The vibration affects not only your own cells but also the whole of creation. Many people think that loving thoughts are private and of no concern except for the object of the love. White Bear says this is insufficient an application of the frequency. When the body is affected through thoughts, the whole of the human field of influence is enriched.

It is apparent that all are capable of great love for others and they display it often. In most, the feeling of love is taken as read. They do not dwell upon its effect, they are merely expressing what their thoughts dictate. It is evident that many people are unaware of the effect of feeling love and so it comes as something of a surprise to them to see that others can sense their vibration and respond accordingly. It may be by something singular like a kiss or other sign of affection but there are subtle signs all around that everything, all life and even the plants are happier when in the presence of this energy which is life-giving.

If this will not make your heart sing, then imagine the effect upon a baby or a young child. They are instinctively drawn to happy, smiling faces and words of love and endearment are more pleasing to them than harsh words or angry, unsmiling faces.

The same is true for all animals. Your own well loved pets have often responded to your unspoken words because they see your energy and they feel your emotions. Many people have a feeling of wellbeing around animals and seek them out as companions. These traits are not unique to animals. The whole of creation responds to those who love life and rejoice in their world.

There is nothing to add except this: try to harbour only good thoughts, especially of yourself, for from these will come your understanding of how the world responds to you in kindness. There is no mystery.

You know all of this but sometimes you need to be reminded.

30th August 2021

When the shift comes there will be an awakening and a realisation that all has been hidden from the Earth. Some will say that they knew something did not seem as it should be, but most will think that they have stumbled into an alternative reality which they cannot see through.

Truth is ever elusive and what matters to some will not be important to many. In the end it will be the way that people come together to share their speaking, when the changes will fix themselves in the materiality. Speaking creates a vibration which many will be able to feel. White Bear speaks of resonating with another and it is a familiar feeling for many who can feel love for another.

The vibration of love speaks on another level entirely but the words resonate with the vibration of love when that wants to express itself to others. In this way the people realise that they know when words carry truth and love. They will feel the resonant vibration and they will hear truth sounds coming from others.

So many people have grown used to deception when all they sought was truth and trust, that they have difficulty trusting in words alone. And so they expect the words to be accompanied by loving actions which can do no harm to others. In many people’s experiences the trust was ill-founded, or people were manipulated by false words to trust in those who sought to deceive them.

The world will change soon to one where selfish words and deeds will be revealed and there will be no room for them. White Bear’s words are infused with both truth and love and all whose vibration resonates with the truth of love within themselves will recognise this, and there will be a heart resonance which will be the tell tale sign that all is as it should be and the heart is acting exactly as it was intended.

No more will there be deception or subterfuge allowed and each heart will beat in harmony with the Earth and with the life forms on the planet. No more will there be signs of hatred or any other sign that the world is unaltered. The Earth will be resonating with you then and your hearts will be joined in a song of love energy which is life sustaining and energising.

No more will the human be dampened down. The humans will make their freedom a song to be sung in harmony with the Earth and all will feel the beauty of life and live longer, bathed in the love light of the planet as it was always intended they would.

Be at peace now for nothing can prevent this from happening. The sooner the better to heal your wounded hearts and let your light shine brightly.

28th August 2021

Those who can grasp hold of these eternal truths will be those who can move into the new world. There is no mystery save those that have been made so by keeping the truth from you.

Those in control made great sport of being in control of the more bookish types of people. Those especially were the subjects of their mirth. They considered them the biggest success that they had. White Bear says that the more bookish you become the less likely you are to imagine the world as you wish it to be. Those who write the books do not spend their time on imagination so that yours will grow, but so that you might limit yourself to the world someone else has created for you.

When you limit your reading, you also open yourself to using your imagination and in that way you open up yourself to the full gamut of abilities. What you then experience is the coming together of instinct with the natural world and you begin to realise that every moment the world responds to you.

It makes sense for humans to be as they were meant to be. There were always hidden communications between man and nature, including all creatures great and small. These abilities are never well developed in people who read books. There is something about that method of communication which inhibits the other faculties.

There is always a need to pass on wisdom and there will always be a need to both read and write because these are features of preserving the world’s history and wisdom. The most damaging thing is to expect these altogether to bring about learning to be a human. There is so much missing from a limited view like this.

These words are infused with energies which open up the mind to its possibilities. They do not make you a slave to them. They make you do nothing. They open you mostly to the thought that there will always be more to know and to learn but in the end you must ask yourself whether you are attracted to those words which will free you or enslave you.

27th August 2021

There are many major forces being aligned at this moment within the Earth’s orbit and they make it easier and easier to manifest. It is important, therefore, to remain in a state of mind which enables only the most loving of outcomes.

For too long the prevailing planetary influencers have instilled fear and anxiety and sorrow upon the people of Earth so that there would be nothing manifest which they did not foster. With this inactive manifestation of loving inclinations, the humans and the Earth suffered greatly. The humans did not understand that they were always manipulated into feelings of hatred and love was not encouraged for anything save the most destructive of effects.

This was not how it was supposed to be. The Earth was meant to be a Paradise. It was corrupted by the presence of malevolent forces which made the Earth their possession and the humans their slaves. White Bear sees that the dark evil forces that created this mayhem where there was supposed to be harmony, have now departed.

They left behind a world full of their servants who would carry on the dark agenda if they were left to do it. Be aware that not all are as they seem. Darkness has instilled itself in every heart because that was the will of those dark manipulators. They will seek to make you angry and sad and despairing.

This is how they stop you from manifesting the lightness of your humanity, the love within each cell of your human body, the sense of unity that is your heritage. It has been lost for a long time but is now being rekindled until it will overwhelm the darkness.

There will be love and there will be happiness when what is in the human heart becomes manifest. White Bear says it is coming.

25 August 2021

White Bear’s words to you today are these: take care of the people you love now. There will never be a better time to tell them that you love them and they will grow with your energy towards their own beingness.

White Bear speaks of all the worlds which collide with yours. They converge here because they rejoice at the many voices now praising the Earth and all of the life forms here. They sing for joy because they see the transformation taking place even though there are dark forces still who would wish to stop it.

The dark forces have caused many things to happen on the planet when the humans were no more of value as slaves. They see this change occurring in the humans and they marvel that none of their tricks and spells and evil deeds have more effect. They have lost this planet. They know this. They depart without grace for there is none in them. The shift is coming closer and they seek now to make chaos and wreak vengeance on the Earth for that is what they do.

There will be a new Earth, one that is renewed and revitalised. The sun will shine and the proletariat will be happy at last. That is to say, the everyday person, those that were called animals and given no respect, will be reborn. No more will the human have dotage or sickness. They will be renewed and they will love the new existence.

Those who enslaved your ancestors will never have sway on this Earth ever again.

It is written.

23 August 2021

There will be a period of adjustment because the Earth has been enslaved by dark forces for so long that she and all her life forms have not known who they were. When the enslavement ends there will be many who do not recognise the familiar face in the mirror. Then there will be a period of puzzlement. Who or what is this person? Why have they not been aware before of who they were?

The signal to awaken was given long ago but while the Earth was subjected to the evil forces which abounded, they were held captive despite their growing awareness. There have been many people over recent years who spoke truths which were rejected by many. These people sometimes gave up or they soldiered on, becoming ever more determined to speak their truths. They came to the conclusion that whether slow or fast there would be an awakening of the whole planet. That time would be in their own lifetimes.

There would be such a force of planetary consciousness that even the ones fast asleep under the energetic spells of the evil ones, would see that things were very strange and though they would have no understanding, they would be conscious enough to know that something was happening which was entirely surprising.

When the mass of consciousness on the planet reaches a critical mass, the whole edifice will crumble. When that happens, the causes of it will be debated but those who have always known and expected a great awakening, will know that their role is not over. There will be a need for people to explain what has occurred and to give it some contextual understanding.

The people capable of doing this will arise and come at it from all directions. The scientists will sort out their data and describe what happened. The artists will paint a picture in thought forms which depict the differing scenes from the event. The sages will be the ones to say what and why, the cause and the effect.

They will be the ones who will eventually be heard. When that happens, the world will begin to heal.

22 August 2021

When the man Trump returns to the office of President, there will be many changes which he will bring in. Those who doubt him because of his prior affiliations do not understand that changes of heart can take place.

When he ran for office he thought he understood what love of a people was. It was something he thought he knew. What he failed to understand was the power of prayer as well as love. These two things together made him see the light. They made him see that the way to the prosperity and peace he so desired was never going to happen without an energy of love. This was crucial to his understanding of what he had to accomplish.

These things were not easy but they were necessary. He worked within the prevailing system but he was transitioning to a vibration which he had not felt before. The task before him was hugely difficult. It was necessary to move forward in stages so that the world would come along with him. Love mixed with prayer was the key to his own transition from a person owing allegiance to The Brotherhood. This will all become clearer as we move on.

There is no need to doubt the man Trump. He is doing what he thinks is right for the planet and for the future of the human race. He doesn’t wish for treasure or for power without responsibility. He is not a megalomaniac or a psychopath as some have said. He is gifted in knowing how to get things done and he will do this one task with all of his accumulated skills now mixed with, and inevitably influenced by, love and prayer. It is a devastating combination and it will work just as he intends. As you know him so well you will recognise the signs he displays.

Trump will bring peace and prosperity to the new world created from the ashes of the old. It will be a new dawn for the Earth and love will be at the heart of it.

21st August 2021

We are now entering a crucial period of high energy which will change and challenge the social structures which have developed to control people and keep them from turning on their overlords.

The Cosmos is constantly changing and upgrading. This can bring great fortune but also great turmoil as people realise that their reality is not the one which serves them well. The changes in perception are brought about through subtle influences but mostly through trusting someone to tell you the truth.

The institutions of governance have been shown to be so incompetent at protecting people that they have actively participated in a plan to harm people. This will be revealed and many will be scorned for the part they played either through ignorance and blind faith in lies, or through malevolent intent.

These things and more will become known to the people and they will awaken from their slumber to begin to see and to comprehend what reality has meant for the Earth. They will wish for different things en masse and their opinions and views will coalesce into a vision of what they would wish the Earth to be. This will bring about a great change in how people view themselves and each other. It will begin a new age of cooperation and helpful attitudes to each other.

It will take time to achieve and the goal will be achieved in good time. There will, however, be some chaos and turmoil in people to get through. There will be no escaping the turmoil entirely because each will be equally subject to the energies which hasten it. Those who have a firm grasp on who they are will be the best protected from the influences but even these will achieve coherence at some cost in equanimity or equilibrium.

20 August 2021

Those were the times of tribulation. The Earth was melting and there was water everywhere,

When they came back the Earth was very changed. They did not like it as much but they left behind a more advanced type of human made in their own image. They were not evil per se, shall we say, just that they could do much to manipulate things and they did.

What you see now will be very different from once it was. If you could go back many thousands of years you would see strange elementals and there would be children of men. They lived side by side together with love ofEarth and of all life. They had no need of wars or strife. They lived in harmony with their protector, their giver of life.

19th August 2021

Those who want to be in more living light will never mend a world which they do not understand.

The world was always a being of great love and creativity. The Earth’s abundance reveals a loving entity who creates beauty and loves to foster life in all its forms, for all are of the Earth energy. What people fail to understand is that the Earth not just nurtures them, her energies and waves, or frequencies, are the life force of the planet. It is never possible to destroy that energy, it can only be masked for a time. When the interference is stopped, life returns to the way it is meant to be.

Those who direct the actions do not always know that the Earth is a self-healing, self-replicating energetic system which fosters life. They think they are the ones who do it. They have lived so long without this understanding that they have missed the signs that they can no longer make the Earth their money machine.

These beings brought evil and tyranny to the world of love and life. They brought death and more to the planet they wished to possess. Those who came have largely been defeated but what remains is a battle for the future of the Earth. If it is to foster life it must choose wisely which course of action to follow. If those who have aligned themselves with the dark ones are in control, they will follow the same path and things will not change much.

If the new world of love and life is to foster a new Earth there will need to be a new way of being. It must bring about love and creativity and it must embrace life in all its beauty.

16th August 2021

In the beginning of the experiment there were what they call the incurious. They did not ask questions or resist what they were told to do. They came and went in their many lives but none awakened to their true human worth.

Then there were people who asked only to be left alone and they asked only for peace and quiet. Sometimes the lives were combined and then became those who obeyed the rules and lived in peace and quiet.

Things were fine until there were those who would stop these people from doing and being who and what they wanted.

There is more to say….